Do you ever believe that the simple "tick" mark costs Rs: 577/= ? Yes. It is...... :-(
I made a request to take new ADSL connection to our home last saturday @ Kurunegala Teleshop. Because, now I'm using dialup connection and tired enough.
In the ADSL application form, there is a field for asking "Instrument installation by SLT" and under that, with small letters "If SLT surpport is not required, tick here". So I simply leave the box without "tick" it.
In such forms, "not" logic is not preferred as much. I can remember, one such case with "not" logic went to court to asking for legal action. Here my tourt of nigligence is there, but anyway it will make me to pay 577/= as labour cost ! I can install ADSL routher by my self.
Today morning, I called to Telecom regional office and ask to not taking this surpport. I'm lucky and thanks for the slowness of work in telecom, my ADSL request is not process yet ! Oh..... Thanks GOD ..... :-)